Everyone goes through some financial emergencies or urgent money problems. This is where collateral car title loans come in because all you need to apply for this loan is a fully owned car and a car title that is lien free. The advantages of getting this loan far outweigh anything that any unsecured bank loan or short term loan can offer.
Loan approval in just one hour
The biggest advantage of this loan is that it is approved in one hour so long as the car is inspected and appraised and other minimal requirements are submitted such as a valid driver’s license and proof of permanent residence. The loan amount is then based on its true market value.
No credit checks are needed
Whether you have bad credit or none, so long as you have a car that is fully owned, you are eligible for collateral equity loans Victoria British Columbia. Your car is the collateral for the loan and this is enough to secure the loan. No credit checks need to be done by the lender.
Nothing to fear with the interest rates
Another big advantage with no credit check title loans is that the interest rates are the lowest when compared to short term loans and unsecured bank loans. Payments can be as low as $97 per month. Loan payment terms are the longest that can ever be offered.
It will not matter what your particular credit situation is. Legitimate lenders such as Car Title Loans Canada will help you complete the very minimal paperwork and get your loan approved in one hour. You only get the lowest rate and the longest terms. At Car Title Loans Canada, we loan you money based on the value of your vehicle, not your credit score. Call Car Title Loans Canada toll free at 1-866-973-5214 and apply now. You can even apply online.
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