Are you wondering whether applying for a car title loan will be worth the time? Is it the solution to help you get rid of your financial problems? Take our word for it and don’t give it a second thought. Get a bad credit score auto loan by using your vehicle title papers as collateral. No matter what urgent expenditure comes your way, our bad credit score auto loan is what’s going to help you face it head on and overcome it. All you need to qualify for the loan is a vehicle that is no older than 10 years and is fully paid for. So, whether you have unexpected house repairs to look after, medical expenses or overdue utility bills to pay, an auto title loan is just what you need.
At Car Title Loans Canada, we offer auto title loans against vehicles at the most competitive interest rates accompanied by the best loan terms and conditions. What makes us the best is our no credit check system. No credit checks or proof of employment is needed when applying with us. Anyone with bad credit can easily apply for our loan.
If you’ve been looking for a speedy, reliable and safe funding source, Car Title Loans Canada is your answer. We process the requests on the very same day and disburse the loan within hours of our verification and inspection process. We have streamlined our loan process which ultimately works in your favour.
Below are the things you need to know about our Benefits in car collateral loans.
- No credit check
The best thing any borrower could ever want is no credit checks when applying for a loan. Same is the case with our loan process. We don’t ask for a good credit score. In fact, there’s no need to produce a good credit score at all. We accept all credit types. People with credit below 574 can also apply. Since the title papers of the car serve as the security to back the loan, the credit score really doesn’t have any relevance to the loan.
- No credit history required
Banks and other lenders process only those loan requests where the borrower has maintained a good history of paying the loaned money back in time. They check the credit history before lending the money. It is a must while you apply for a loan with a bank, whether its a personal loan or car loan or any other loan for that matter. Contrarily, Car title Loans Canada does not check the credit history. We don’t judge our customers from their past payment records. We understand things happen in life , especially when it involves money.
- Keep your vehicle
We don’t store your vehicle as collateral. Once your bad credit score auto loan is approved you are free to take your vehicle along with the loan money. You can keep driving your car for the whole duration of the loan term.
- No proof of income required
We don’t ask for proof of income because the loan is secured by your vehicle. You can easily repay the loan through monthly payments as low as $99. We ensure that the client is willing to commit to the agreed monthly payments when signing the loan papers.
- Long and flexible loan term
You can have the loan out for as long as four years. You can make your monthly payments without breaking your wallet. A longer repayment period means there is more time for you to pay off the loan.
- No prepayment penalties
We provide open ended loans to our customers which means you can close out the loan whenever you want. There are no prepayment penalties for doing so. This means if you pay the remaining amount of the loan amount even before the maturity date, you can do so without facing any penalty charges for early payout. This also means you get to save on the interest amount on the rest of the loan money.
What Documents Are Required?
This loan is the easiest of all to apply for. Unlike banks and other lenders you don’t have to sign a lot of paperwork or provide a number of other documents. You will need to have the following documents with you to apply for a no credit check car loan:
- A Fully paid for vehicle (for inspection only)
- Vehicle title papers (lien-free)
- Proof of permanent residence (any computer generated bill in your name)
- Vehicle registration and insurance papers (in your name)
- A valid Canadian driver’s license
- Proof of legal age as per your province
- Car keys (spare set only)
For more information on our bad credit score auto loan, call (toll free) 1-855-653-5451 or apply online.
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